As it continues its mission, Cartwheel leaps beyond advocating the rights of the IPs to quality education. It advances education as a strong entry point in providing IP communities with capacities to be self-reliant. This is Cartwheel Development Framework: a lamppost, as Cartwheel continues to hold hands with its stakeholders in order to achieve its mission.

THE CARTWHEEL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK Communities are the key arenas in which the battle to improve education and enhance economic development will be won or lost
Young Indigenous People (YIP) Leaders Program
The Young Indigenous Peoples Leaders Program is an initiative that contributes to the scholastic, personal and professional development of the selected grantees. It aims to develop future community leaders among promising high school graduates with indigenous roots by providing support for quality culturally-relevant tertiary education and holistic formation. By equipping the indigenous grantees with independent thinking and technical and life skills, the YIP Leaders Program expects to produce graduates who are in a better position to help both themselves and their communities toward a life graced by dignity and opportunity.
Adult Capability Building (ACaP) Program
The Adult Capability Building Program is an approach to education that can be used with adults and older youth, within or outside of a classroom setting, and is particularly suited to the marginalized situation of the indigenous peoples. ACaP seeks to deliver a practical, peace-advocating learning curriculum that is also culturally rooted and gender-sensitive. Family health and nutrition along with life skills training are integrated in the modules, while being a home-based and community-building venture. Learners who finish the program are encouraged to teach new learners with the significant life skills integrated into the program allowing community members to grow and respond to challenges and to structural change/s in a cohesive, beneficial manner.
Education and Child Development (ECD) Program
The Education and Child Development Program focuses on facilitating access to quality and culturally-relevant early childhood education for indigenous children. Quality is achieved by ensuring the teachers are equipped with the right skills and methods, whereas cultural relevance comes with the indigenization of curriculum. The ultimate goal is to see the existing pre-schools being run independently by proactive members of the partner communities.