Knowing COVID-19: Empowering Learning Indigenous Peoples Initiative for Sama-Bajau Parents

Health is a fundamental human right. Accessing information that enables one to actively care for the self is a significant step toward its fulfillment.
This was the premise of an Empowering Learning Indigenous Peoples Initiative (ELIPI) Session on COVID-19 shared via online communications with parents of Sama-Bajau learners residing in San Dionisio, Parañaque City on July 27, 2021. With support from development partner Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation*, Dr. Carrissa Losantas — a Public Health Physician with experience serving the indigenous T’boli and Blaan communities of Saranggani — was main resource speaker.
Dr. Losantas shared relevant information on the origin of the corona virus, the distinction between infectious and non-infectious diseases, the transmission of COVID-19, its many symptoms, the necessary health and safety protocols, the importance of vaccines, and the new strain of the virus.

Sama-Bajau parents and community members gathered in the Activity Center for the ELIPI session on COVID
As Dr. Losantas invited interaction and active participation throughout the session, Sama-Bajau parents brought up certain health concerns that often affected their children. They also shared their own beliefs about how to treat illnesses traditionally accompanied with ritual and prayer, as well as consuming specific food types.
They inquired about where they could go once they show symptoms of COVID; they expressed fear in testing positive for the virus when they go for check-ups in their City Health Office or Health Centers.
The parents were also honest about how they felt about vaccines. Some said they were fearful of vaccines, mainly from news of people dying because of it. Dr. Losantas clarified that their deaths were most likely caused by pre-existing diseases even before their vaccination. They were grateful to know about the science and sense behind vaccines — how the actual virus is introduced into the body, and how this helps to protect and fight it off eventually. Some still admitted that they felt hesitant to get the vaccine, while others expressed a sense of openness after a while.
Having to navigate the realities brought on by the COVID pandemic for over a year and with the threat of yet another surge in cases due to the new variant, the ELIPI session shared was indeed timely and most relevant. Gaining sound information on one’s health and related issues is truly one significant step toward actively caring for one’s self, family, and community.
*Consuelo Zobel Alger Foundation a private, U.S.-based foundation that works for the prevention and treatment of abuse, neglect, and exploitation of children, women, and their families in the Philippines and in Hawai’i. Our foundation is named after our Founder, the late Consuelo Zobel Alger, whose generosity and genuine love for children allowed us to renew hope for those who have lost it and give hope to those who never had it.
For over 30 years, Consuelo Foundation has been taking action for our children and their families—uplifting one child, one family, one community, at a time.
Consuelo Foundation’s Life Skills Plus program empowers children and youth through education and skills training so they, too, can lead, dream, and reach their full potential—and make a difference in our world. This program provides the learners with relevant learning materials to ensure sustained access to quality education. Children and youth are assisted with essential interventions to further build their knowledge, skills, and competencies to be empowered individuals.
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