In the Spirit of Service: Unsung Women Heroes Awardees among IPs

Heroes are those whose courage and magnanimity have sparked a revolution of good change, continuing to inspire the best in each of us. They are changemakers, trailblazers, freedom fighters—and they do not exist only in the past as historical figures; they continue to live among us today.
Cartwheel is grateful to be working alongside modern-day heroes whose spirit of service have helped make way for goodness and growth in their respective communities. They are Relinda Montimor, indigenous Sama-Bajau from Zamboanga, and Warlita Calix, indigenous Tagbanua from Palawan—both recipients of the Unsung Women Heroes Award 2019-2020 given by the Soroptimist International of the Americas Philippines Region.
Relinda Montimor, Sama-Bajau
Relinda has been selfless in her service to her fellow Sama-Bajau ever since their community was displaced by the Zamboanga Siege of 2013. Her dedication has not waned since then. To this day, she multiplies good—as a teacher, as a community leader, and as culture bearer—remaining rooted in her proud Sama-Bajau identity. It is through her committed effort as an education advocate for the Sama-Bajau children that they are able to continue accessing culturally relevant education. In a tribe where traditional leadership roles are assigned to men, she has emerged to become a respected voice in her community, allowing children, women, and other community members to find their voices as well.
These past months during the pandemic, Relinda has been very active in the response efforts for her fellow Sama-Bajau, in coordination with the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Barangay Local Government Unit (BLGU) of Kasanyangan, and the Ateneo de Zamboanga University’s Center for Community Extension Services (ADZU CCES). She has also been her community’s willing representative during consultations and related meetings with the government and other stakeholders.
Warlita Calix, Tagbanua
Warlita—an exemplary mother and emerging Tagbanua leader—is an inspiration to many in her community. From being one of Cartwheel’s most dedicated learners, she has become their foremost health and education champion. Determined to keep learning, to vote and do business right, to encourage her community to do the same, she has taken on the challenge of assuming leadership roles that others shy away from, even as she takes care of her growing family. She is learning to use such a platform to continue encouraging her fellow Tagbanua to find their strengths by valuing education, accessing health provisions, and giving importance to their identity as Indigenous Peoples.

Warlita speaks as her community’s representative during a consultation meeting about their health situation
In the midst of the the pandemic, Warlita has remained to be the Tagbanuas’ representative in their respective BLGU. She has also played an instrumental role in the house-to-house enrollment process for her fellow Tagbanua, helping teachers from the Department of Education convince parents to support learning opportunities for their children especially during these times.
It has been a great honor to be working hand-in-hand with leaders like Relinda and Warlita in sustaining worthy community-building initiatives. Both are simple, ordinary women who have chosen to use their skills and talents extraordinarily, in the service of their fellow Indigenous Peoples. May their shining examples be as a light sparking hope, courage, and inspiration for many.